ALL IN ONE product launch event

Background Introduction

On November 23, 2024, Bali, located onthe equator, remained unaffected by the cold fronts from the NorthernHemisphere, continuing to enjoy the heat and vitality of summer. During thelively APDW exhibition, LeoMed held an impressive ALL IN ONE product launchevent at the Nusa Dua International Conference Center.


Registration Session

Before the meeting began, guests hadthe opportunity to experience a traditional Chinese brush sign-in session.International attendees were intrigued by Chinese culture and left theirsignatures on a scroll, reflecting their interest in this cultural tradition.


Professor ZhousSpeech

Professor Zhou Pinghong, from theZhongshan Hospital affiliated with Fudan University, gave a detailedpresentation on the experience of using the Disposable Electrosurgical LoopKnife (ALL IN ONE). This innovative product, designed specifically for the treatmentof early-stage gastrointestinal cancer, combines five key functions: marking,dissection, supplemental injection, loop ligation, and argon plasmacoagulation. The product significantly optimizes the surgical process byreducing the frequency of instrument changes during the procedure, greatlyshortening surgery time, and effectively reducing the patient’seconomic burden. In addition to explaining the structure and functions of ALLIN ONE, as well as providing detailed usage data, Professor Zhou also citedseveral surgical case examples.


Professor Zhou’sinsightful presentation captured the attention of many healthcare professionalsin the audience. The discussion was deeply thought-provoking and sparked livelydebates. As the presentation progressed, the atmosphere grew more energetic,with medical professionals raising their hands to share their viewpoints andthoughts. Many posed specific clinical questions, and the attendees engaged inheated discussions, exchanging experiences and perspectives. The room wasfilled with the sounds of intellectual exchange, showcasing the medicalprofessionals' keen interest in cutting-edge knowledge and their passion forexploring innovative solutions.

Product Demonstration

After the inspiring lecture, the eventproceeded to one of the most anticipated segments — thelive demonstration of the ALL IN ONE product. Dr. Cai Mingyan from ZhongshanHospital and Mr. Ding Kan, International Director of LeoMed, collaborated tointroduce the product. From both a clinical and international marketperspective, they provided a clear and comprehensive explanation of the corefunctions and technological highlights of the ALL IN ONE. The demonstrationarea was crowded, with attendees gathered around the product display, creatingan electric atmosphere.

Enthusiastic Exchange

Many industry leaders expressed greatinterest in ALL IN ONE. After learning about the product's features andclinical benefits, they offered high praise. They noted that themultifunctionality of the ALL IN ONE not only greatly enhances surgical efficiencybut also reduces the treatment burden on patients. It is truly an innovativeproduct designed with clinical needs in mind. Several attendees expressedconfidence in the product’s market potential andshowed strong interest in further collaboration and promotion.

A Successful Conclusion

The ALL IN ONE launch event concludedwith a series of outstanding speeches, cutting-edge technology demonstrations,and passionate exchanges. It provided attendees with valuable academic insightsand deep industry perspectives. The event not only showcased the latest trendsand technological innovations in the field of digestive endoscopy but alsocreated a platform for intellectual exchange and collaborative growth. Thesuccessful hosting of this event further demonstrated LeoMed’scommitment to advancing the development of gastroenterology and endoscopictechnology.

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