On June 20, 2024, Leo Medical received a confirmation letter issued by the notified body, explicitly stating that LEOMED has submitted a formal application for MDR conformity assessment in accordance with the EU's extended transitional provisions bill for MDR. Both parties have signed the MDR certification contract. Since then, the MDD CE certificate has been successfully extended, allowing the original MDD certificate to remain valid until December 31, 2028.
The successful extension of the MDD CE certificate marks a promising start for CE certification under MDR for Leo Medical. Currently, LEOMED is in the process of obtaining MDR certification for twelve products. MDR puts more stringent requirements on us, presenting both opportunities and challenges. Leo Medical will adhere to the principle of facing challenges head-on, seizing opportunities, and striving to achieve EU MDR CE certification at the earliest opportunity.Copyright ©2022 Leo Medical Co.,Ltd. All Rights Reserved.Su ICP Registering at MIIT No.14007417.